Dental Crowns in Worthington, OH

Creating Stronger Smiles

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Understanding Dental Crowns

Our team at Crosswoods Dental, led by Dr. Carolyn Molzahn, is dedicated to offering top-tier restorative dentistry solutions, including our exceptional dental crowns. Dental crowns are custom-fitted coverings placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. These restorations are ideal for teeth that are broken, worn, or partially destroyed by tooth decay. At Crosswoods Dental, we use the latest technology and materials to ensure your dental crown is both durable and aesthetically pleasing. Your dental health and satisfaction are our utmost priorities, and we take pride in delivering top-quality crowns that ensure both form and function.

Why Choose Crosswoods Dental for Your Dental Crowns?

Personalized Care

Under the guidance of Dr. Carolyn Molzahn, our practice emphasizes a patient-centered approach. We understand that each individual's dental needs are unique, and we provide personalized care to ensure the best outcomes.

Advanced Technology

Utilizing state-of-the-art equipment, our team ensures precision and comfort during the dental crown procedure. From digital imaging to the latest in crown fabrication techniques, we stay at the forefront of dental advancements.

Quality Materials

We use high-quality materials for our dental crowns in Worthington, Ohio, ensuring they not only look natural but also provide long-lasting results.

Comprehensive Service

Our team is not just about placing dental crowns; we are dedicated to comprehensive oral health. We assess your overall dental condition, discuss your options, and ensure your dental crowns function harmoniously with your natural teeth.

The Process of Getting Dental Crowns

  • 01. Consultation & Examination
    Your journey to a restored smile begins with a consultation and examination by Dr. Molzahn. We assess your oral health and discuss whether a dental crown is the right option for you.
  • 02. Preparation of the Tooth
    If a dental crown is needed, the tooth is prepared by reshaping it to ensure a perfect fit for the crown.
  • 03. Impression and Crown Construction
    We take an impression of your tooth, which is used to create your custom crown. Our team ensures the crown matches the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth.
  • 04. Final Fitting
    Once your crown is ready, you'll return to our practice for the final fitting. Dr. Molzahn ensures that your dental crown fits comfortably and looks natural, making adjustments as necessary.

The Benefits of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns at Crosswoods Dental offer a multitude of benefits for our patients. These custom-fitted coverings provide:

Restored Functionality

Dental crowns restore the functionality of damaged teeth, allowing you to chew and speak with ease.

Enhanced Appearance

A well-made crown can significantly
improve the appearance of a tooth, blending seamlessly with your natural teeth for a brighter, more uniform smile.

Durability and Protection

Crowns provide a sturdy cover for vulnerable teeth, protecting them from further damage and decay.

Long-Lasting Results

With proper care, dental crowns can last many years, making them a worthwhile investment in your oral health.

Caring for Your Dental Crowns

At Crosswoods Dental, we not only focus on the placement of dental crowns but also on educating our patients about proper care. Regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups are essential. Dr. Molzahn and our team will guide you on how to maintain your crowns, ensuring their longevity and your ongoing oral health. Through our comprehensive approach, you can enjoy the full benefits of your dental crowns for years to come.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Ready to explore how dental crowns can transform your smile? Contact Crosswoods Dental today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Carolyn Molzahn. Our team is eager to assist you in achieving optimal dental health and a smile you can be proud of.

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